Friday, February 23, 2007

Devotion #8


There are 3 Major Reasons why:-

1. Because we need fellowship with God
2. Because it is our privilege as Christians

3. Because we gain tremendous benefits from it

Today i will talk about the first point, "Why is daily fellowship with God so important".

A. We were created to have fellowship with God

The reality is this, we were created in God's own image for the purpose of fellowship. Now the more awesome reality, we were the ONLY creatures created to have fellowship with God. God chose us to have fellowship with Him, we are special.

B. Jesus Christ died on the cross so that our fellowship with God could be restored

When Adam sinned, we broke faith with God. Thereafter we his descendants could no longer have fellowship with a Pure & Holy God. But God considered us so important that He sent His son to this world to die for our sins, that He may restore fellowship with us. God wants so much to fellowship with us, will you.

C. Regular quiet time during Jesus' ministry was a source of His strength

Personal time with His Father in heaven was the top priority in Jesus life. He was never too busy for it. In fact it was often when He was busiest that He made certain He kept daily touch with the Father. If Jesus needed this time with the Father, how much more for us.

D. Every great man of woman of God thruout history has spent much time alone with God

Anyone who has ever been used mightily by the Lord was a man or woman of the Word and Prayer. The common thing between the great saints of God like DL Moody, Charles Spurgeon, Billy Graham, John Wesley, Daniel the Prophet, Moses, King David and the Apostle Paul was that they spent much time with God in personal fellowship. They knew God, they longed to be in His presence.

E. We cannot be healthy growing Christians without daily fellowship with the Lord.

Have you ever gone without food for a day? You'll feel weak and if it carries on you'll get sick and very soon you'll be hanging by a thin breathe of life. The same is true of your spiritual life, fellowship with God is liken to spiritual nourishment. If you go without it for prolong periods, you'll get weaker and very soon you'll be sick. To be strong and an overcomer, we need to grow healthily.

You see if you don't have a regular time with God, the consequence are simple.
i. You will miss out on the privilege you were created for.
ii. You would be rejecting what Jesus died for to make possible for you and me.
iii. You will never experience the same power and refreshment Jesus did.
iv. You will never be greatly used by God.
v. You will remain a weak and sickly Christian all your life.

Let me end with a quote someone once told me, "What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to people."

The moral behind was that smiles brighten each person it meets and was like sunshine to flowers. Yet a more important truth was that flowers needed sunshine because it fed its soul and give it strength to carry on growing healthily.

You see in similar ways a smile is not just about looking good but it changes the way you feel when you receive it. The change goes all the way to our hearts, even if it's from a stranger. Even when we know nothing about the person, have you ever wondered how is it that a smile can just naturally make you feel better and its often so natural that you'll smile back. (A short but powerful heart transformation)

In the same way as we fellowship with the Lord in our quiet time, the Lord does in our hearts and spirit the same way smiles :) does to us. Only that the effect is multiplied 10 x 10 times. I pray that as the Holy Spirit speaks and quiken your spirit you will join me in this prayer.

Lord make my heart, tender and pure.
Make me strong, help me endure.

In this hour, let me stand, with You i can.
So lead me on Holy Spirit, and i will go.

Lead me on and i will follow.
Lead me on to where so few have gone, and i will go.
I will go Lord, lead me on. Amen.


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