Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Devotion #6


This is the 12th year entering my 13th since May 1994 that i've come to know the Lord. It has been a long road of grace, hope, repentance and love filled with many sacrifices, tears as well as smiles.

Since growing from a very young christian who take life very simply and only having two very simple and straightforward struggle....God's will Versus My Will.

I would have guess that with the years of maturing and learning that my struggles should have been resolved and my faith absolutely impeccable. The reality sometimes seems so far from ideal. Instead now i'm filled with many complicated truths and understanding the ways of the world better has sometimes blurred the line further.

But recently my trip to Malacca and change everything.
What change, it no longer is so complicated.
It has return to become simple again....

Its all back to basics, "GOD'S DESIRES VS MY DESIRES"

So i revisited the old wells of surrender and obedience. Learning anew the lessons i may have learned over 12 years ago. That it all boils down to the intimacy with the Holy Spirit.

So i'm working out again and it's becoming simpler and suddenly so much lighter just to walk with the Lord. Literally a "Walk in the clouds". The times has become much more refreshing and i'm no longer in a hurry to talk to God and then go on ahead with the little nitty gritty things i need to get done.

My prayer as i grow deep this year is to a few things:-
1. To grow in love with God's WORD again
2. To grow closer in prayer and intimacy with the Holy Spirit
3. To love God and be immerse in His will

How Great is Our God, Sing with me.
How Great is Our God.
All will sing how Great, how Great is our God.

I love you Father, I love Jesus, I love you Spirit.


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